Ed Friedland - Build Walking Bass Lines [ Book + Audio ]

Ed Friedland - Build Walking Bass Lines [ Book + Audio ]

Ed Friedland. A walking bass line is the most common approach to jazz bass playing, but it is also used in rock music, blues, rockabilly, R&B, gospel, latin, country and many other types of music. The term 'walking' is used to describe the moving feeling that quarter notes create in the bass part. The specific goal of this book is to familiarise players with the techniques used to build walking bass lines and to make them aware of how the process works. Through the use of 90-minutes' worth of recorded rhythm tracks, players will have the opportunity to put the new learning directly into action. This book literally gives bassists the tools they need to build their own walking basslines.


Sales Rank:932 / Published on:Not specified /Format:Instrumental Tutor 
/Length:64 pages / Language:English
At first glance I thought this tutor was bit too simple - wrong! I decided not to move off a stage until I got it, this in turn meant getting back to bare building blocks i.e. scales - arpeggios and fretboard familiarity. As with any tutor effort in = result out, and the CD helps by being split stereo (bass/drums one speaker piano the other) thus you can fade out the bass and play along with your own line. There are lots of useful hints and examples, maybe some extra explanation could have been added but this is minor.
At the end of it you get a lot for the price and so far it has put me much further forward. Glad I bought it and will certainly buy related products - well done! Ed Friedland.


1 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Buenas tardes podría pasarme el PDF más el audio de este libro? No he logrado conseguirño. Se lo agradecería mucho, mi correo es josluismartinez91@gmail.com

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